Alex and Adrian's Unattended Baggage
Alexander Snitker (libertarian-Republican political hack) and Adrian Wyllie (born-again anarchist and political has-been) banter, blather and joke about current events, while attempting to figure out whether to keep trying to salvage our Constitutional Republic, or just stock up on marshmallows to roast on the smoldering embers of society.
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
ABC gets busted for killing Epstein story, CBS fires ABC whistleblower, Katie Couric dines with convicted pedophile while #MeTooing others, as we all wonder whether the full story is too big to be told, also Rubio makes Pope cringe and Mussolini smile, and Home Depot runs sale on cordless border wall remover.
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
On the 9th Anniversary of his loss to Rubio, Alex goes clothes shopping while Adrian yanks his hose, famed M.E. says Epstein was murdered and everyone is like “Duh!”, new poll reveals 80% of Americans don’t have any idea what the word “compromise” means, Regan hires firefighting goats, and if you like this show shake your jazz hands.
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
You’re a bitch sir, and you’ve gone too far, Trump sends tanks to Colorado or somewhere, federal government borrows money from banks who borrowed money from Fed who printed money from nowhere, Putin pulls plug to preempt protests, World protests like it’s 1776 but we don’t because McRib, and Congresswoman Katie Hill makes hot porn.
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Tulsi “The Tease” mic drops Queen Warmonger Hillary, G7 gang decides to crash at Trump’s pad, Erdogan receives a smiley-face letter and macaroni art from Trump, millionaire Democrats fight over who is the bigger socialist, Alex declines new Frontier, Danielle has nothing to say, Adrian beats up 12-year-olds.
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Trump pulls out the same way your dad did, Californians in the dark over fire danger, Republicans fail to attack Bush for hanging out with Ellen, rifles found to be inefficient at killing people, you’re not making any friends, and South Park says F.U. to the Chinese government.
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Adrian says start James Conner on your fantasy team, Alex gives Tea Party a dose of anarchy, crazy Rudy and baby eaters usher in golden age of satire, Florida woman dies in port-o-potty explosion, saving money will get you fired from the Pentagon, Danielle joins us to expose maniacal midget masquerading as minor, the new UB dictionary needs a thesaurus, and 5G won’t fry your brain but will track your ass.
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Pasco County hookers are marketing geniuses, flood insurance makes for vacant non-barge waterfront properties, award shows are stupid and football games are too expensive, politics is making you crazy, John McAfee does McAfee stuff again, cute little girl gets angry at UN, and corrupt politicians investigate corrupt politician investigating corrupt politicians.
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead and the rainforest is still there, Alex the introvert gets leafy with it, Fed injects money into banks but don’t call it inflation, Saudi Arabia is the 51st state, nobody wants to be a cop, Navy chases little green men, and the Marines Coyote Battalion has been captured.
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Adrian hacked by extortionists, Trump fires warmonger Bolton he hired, Republicans outspend Democrats by a record margin, silly lawmakers - vapes aren’t for kids, Alex beats the rap, gun grabbers get scared by reality, and Biden will use Yang’s $1,000 per month to buy new dentures.
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Alabama wonders why Dorian didn’t give them any cocaine, Chappell throws Rotten Tomatoes, Trump wants your F.A.G. social credit score (Facebook, Amazon, Google) to decide whether you can buy a gun before Beto and Bernie take it away, union can’t figure out how to make automated checkout machines pay dues, and Hong Kong ‘Mericas’ better than us.